




Beast Quest Series 1 Books 1 – 6 Collection Set (Ferno, Sepron, Arcta, Tagus, Nanook, Epos)

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Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

Ferno the Fire Dragon: Series 1 Book 1

An evil wizard has enchanted the magical Beasts of Avantia – only a true hero can free the Beasts and stop them from destroying the land. Is Tom the hero Avantia has been waiting for? Join Tom as he braves Ferno the Fire Dragon in the first of this bestselling series …

Sepron the Sea Serpent: Series 1 Book 2

An evil wizard has enchanted the magical Beasts of Avantia – only a true hero can free the Beasts and stop them from destroying the land. To save his land and his people, Tom must battle Sepron the Sea Serpent in the depths of the ocean – will he succeed?

Arcta the Mountain Giant: Series 1 Book 3

An evil wizard has enchanted the magical Beasts of Avantia – only a true hero can free the Beasts and stop them from destroying the land. Armed with a sword and shield from the Wizard Aduro, Tom sets off to face Arcta the mountain giant. Can Tom save his land from destruction?

Tagus the Horse-Man: Series 1 Book 4

An evil wizard has enchanted the magical Beasts of Avantia – only a true hero can free the Beasts and stop them from destroying the land. Tagus the horse-man is terrorising the people and animals in the plains – can Tom and Elena stop him?

Nanook the Snow Monster: Series 1 Book 5

An evil wizard has enchanted the magical Beasts of Avantia – only a true hero can free the Beasts and stop them from destroying the land. Tom journeys to the wilds of the frozen north, searching for Nanook the snow monster. Can he survive the ice and snow, and set the Beast free?

Epos The Flame Bird: Series 1 Book 6

An evil wizard has enchanted the magical Beasts of Avantia – only a true hero can free the Beasts and stop them from destroying the land. Epos the Flame Bird is said to be the most terrifying of the Beasts – can Tom free her from her enchantment and save Avantia?

978184616483597818461648289781846164842 978184616486697818461648599781846164873


Beast Quest Series 1 Books 1 – 6 Collection Set (Ferno, Sepron, Arcta, Tagus, Nanook, Epos)




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